Concrete Slab Raising, Leveling & Repairs
Void Fill, Soil Stabilization Specialists
Eliminate Trip Hazards, Fill Voids, Stabilize Concrete
CRC Geotech uses an Engineered Cementitious Slurry or a Hydrophobic Geotechnical Polyurethane Foam to raise or level concrete slabs and fill the voids beneath them. This process of raising concrete results in a repair which, when cured, is impervious to water. It is also environmentally friendly!
Concrete Raising is also known as Poly Jacking, Mud Jacking, Concrete Lifting or Slab Raising.
The engineered Hydrophobic Geotechnical Polyurethane Foam from Terrathane repels water and forces it out of any voids that may exist.
CRC Geotech is the ONLY company in Central Texas that provides customers the option of selecting their preferred method of Concrete Raising / Slab Leveling: Hydrophobic Geotechnical Polyurethane Foam or Cementitious Slurry - so that the customer can select the best technology for their application and price point.
CRC Geotech is a Certified TerraThane Geotechnical Polyurethane Installer.
Our Engineered Cementitious Slurry or Hydrophobic Geotechnical Polyurethane Foam is pumped under pressure into small holes drilled through existing concrete slabs. The Cement Slurry or Geotechnical Foam displaces any air pockets, water or water saturated materials, fills the void areas under the slab, then raises the slab to the desired level, and leaves a firm permanent subgrade.
The TerraThane Process.
Slab Leveling and Void Filling
Drill Hole - Inject TerraThane - Expands to Fill Void - Raise Slab to Desired level
Making the Sidewalks at the Texas Capitol Great Again!
The “Mud Jacking” / Cement Slurry Process
Slab Leveling and Void Filling
CRC uses an Engineered Cementitious Slurry to raise or level concrete slabs and fill the voids beneath them. This process of raising concrete results in a repair which, when cured, is impervious to water. This is traditional "mudjacking".
Deep Soil Injection - Structural Piering
soil stabilization - Slab Raising
Stabilize Soils by driving probes into the soil and injecting expanding TerraThane Geotechnical Polymers can help stabilize soils at depth, providing true soil densification and load bearing improvement.. This process fills voids, binds the soil particles together, and enhances the stability of the underlying soil structure. TerraThane Geotechnical Polymers can also be used to create vertical “piers” to stabilize and raise structures
Seawall and Culvert Rehabilitation
water seepage- soil loss - stabilization
Seawall repair with polyurethane chemical grout is an excellent way to stabilize soils, fill voids, and stop soil loss and water seepage. This is accomplished by injecting Geotechnical Hydrophobic Polyurethane specifically formulated for leak repair and soil consolidation in a targeted manner behind the seawall to fill the voids while driving the water out and solidifying the soils. This process is achieved with minimal excavation and is highly efficient, cost effective, environmentally friendly and and fast.
210 -764-4442